Saturday, October 12, 2013

(7a) Examining Failure.

It's unfortunate that we are a society that rarely allows failure. We become programmed at a young age to push failure away from us. We are taught that failure is bad for us and that is we fail, we will not be successful. At a young age, I believe sports have the biggest impact on how we look at failure. When we are young and still developing, failure in sports can leave lasting impressions on us. We learn that failure is ok, because no matter how you do, you receive a trophy. Once we hit middle school, it changes from everyone winning, to only one team winning. From that point on, failure is not accepted. I can remember my coaches yelling at our team when we lost games. And that was a park and Rec league. Stuff like that sticks in your mind forever. And when I think about failing, those are the things I remember. Sports aren't the only things that effect our thoughts on failure. School is a huge part of it. There is nothing worse than studying hours for a test but still failing. It's not only upsetting, its un-motivational. It can kill the drive we have to be successful. We are all human, failure is just something that happens to all of us. Being punished for failure is just punishing us for being who we are. Failure is a good thing. It can drive us to be successful is used the right way. We need to be trained at a young age to accept failure and use it to our advantage. I think that is we could do that, kids would be able to accept it and use it to drive them to be successful. Failure is something that will always exist, so we should embraces it while we can as a positive thing, not negative.

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